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OCO-M: Spectroscopy to Support the OCO Missions: P4825: Absorption Coefficient (ABSCO) Tables for the Orbiting Carbon Observatories
External Source
Document Type
Slides (Viewgraph)
Payne, Vivienne H.
Drouin, Brian
Oyafuso, Fabiano
Kuai, Le
Fisher, Brendan M.
Sung, Keeyoon
Nemchick, Deacon J.
Crawford, Timothy J.
Smyth, Mike
Crisp, David
Adkins, Erin M.
Hodges, Joseph T.
Long, David A.
Mlawer, Eli J.
Merrelli, Aronne
Lunny, Elizabeth M.
Date Acquired
September 19, 2024
Publication Date
June 21, 2021
Publication Information
Publisher: Pasadena, CA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2021
Distribution Limits

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