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Mitochondria in the middle: exercise preconditioning protection of striated muscle
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John M. Lawler
(Redox Biology & Cell Signalling Laboratory Department of Health and Kinesiology Graduate Faculty of Nutrition & Food Science Texas A&M University College Station TX USA)
Dinah A. Rodriguez
(Redox Biology & Cell Signalling Laboratory Department of Health and Kinesiology Graduate Faculty of Nutrition & Food Science Texas A&M University College Station TX USA)
Jeffrey M. Hord
(Redox Biology & Cell Signalling Laboratory Department of Health and Kinesiology Graduate Faculty of Nutrition & Food Science Texas A&M University College Station TX USA)
Date Acquired
September 28, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: The Journal of Physiology
Publisher: Wiley
Volume: 594
Issue: 18
ISSN: 0022-3751
e-ISSN: 1469-7793
Funding Number(s)
funding: NNX13AE45G
funding: AR054084
funding: 055185F
funding: 0855158F
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