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Density of Neutral Hydrogen in the Sun's Interstellar Neighborhood
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P. Swaczyna
D. J. McComas
E. J. Zirnstein
J. M. Sokół
H. A. Elliott
M. Bzowski
M. A. Kubiak
J. D. Richardson
I. Kowalska-Leszczynska
S. A. Stern
H. A. Weaver
C. B. Olkin
K. N. Singer
J. R. Spencer
Date Acquired
October 28, 2024
Publication Information
Publication: The Astrophysical Journal
Publisher: American Astronomical Society
Volume: 903
Issue: 1
Issue Publication Date: January 11, 2020
ISSN: 0004-637X
e-ISSN: 1538-4357
Funding Number(s)
funding: Prime Contract No. NASW-02008
funding: 80NSSC20K0719
funding: 80GSFC19C0027
funding: PPN/BEK/2018/1/00049
funding: 2015/19/B/ST9/01328
funding: 2018/31/D/ST9/02852
funding: Voyager mission
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