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Dark Energy Survey Year 3 Results: Deep Field optical + near-infrared images and catalogue
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W G Hartley
(Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva , ch. d’Ecogia 16, CH-1290 Versoix, Switzerland)
A Choi
(Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University , Columbus, OH 43210, USA)
A Amon
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
R A Gruendl
(Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 1002 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
E Sheldon
(Brookhaven National Laboratory , Bldg 510, Upton, NY 11973, USA)
I Harrison
(Department of Physics, University of Oxford , Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK)
G M Bernstein
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
I Sevilla-Noarbe
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) , Madrid, Spain)
B Yanny
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
K Eckert
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
H T Diehl
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
A Alarcon
(Argonne National Laboratory , 9700 South Cass Avenue, Lemont, IL 60439, USA)
M Banerji
(Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge , Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0HA, UK)
K Bechtol
(Physics Department, University of Wisconsin–Madison , 2320 Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Avenue Madison, WI 53706-1390, USA)
R Buchs
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory , Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA)
S Cantu
(George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University , College Station, TX 77843, USA)
C Conselice
(Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK)
J Cordero
(Jodrell Bank Center for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester , Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK)
C Davis
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
T M Davis
(School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland , Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia)
S Dodelson
(Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15312, USA)
A Drlica-Wagner
(Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago , Chicago, IL 60637, USA)
S Everett
(Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics , Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA)
A Ferté
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology , 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109, USA)
D Gruen
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
K Honscheid
(Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University , Columbus, OH 43210, USA)
M Jarvis
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
M D Johnson
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications , 1205 West Clark St, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
N Kokron
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
N MacCrann
(Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge , Cambridge CB3 0WA, UK)
J Myles
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
A B Pace
(Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15312, USA)
A Palmese
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
F Paz-Chinchón
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications , 1205 West Clark St, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
M E S Pereira
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA)
A A Plazas
(Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University , Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA)
J Prat
(Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Chicago , Chicago, IL 60637, USA)
M Rodriguez-Monroy
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) , Madrid, Spain)
E S Rykoff
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
S Samuroff
(Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15312, USA)
C Sánchez
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
L F Secco
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
F Tarsitano
(Department of Physics, ETH Zurich , Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 16, CH-8093 Zurich, Switzerland)
A Tong
(Department of Physics, Duke University Durham , NC 27708, USA)
M A Troxel
(Department of Physics, Duke University Durham , NC 27708, USA)
Z Vasquez
(Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University , Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15312, USA)
K Wang
(Department of Physics, Duke University Durham , NC 27708, USA)
C Zhou
(Department of Physics, Duke University Durham , NC 27708, USA)
T M C Abbott
(Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NSF’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory , Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile)
M Aguena
(Departamento de Física Matemática, Instituto de Física, Universidade de São Paulo , CP 66318, São Paulo, SP 05314-970, Brazil)
S Allam
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
J Annis
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
D Bacon
(Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth , Portsmouth PO1 3FX, UK)
E Bertin
(CNRS, UMR 7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris , F-75014 Paris, France)
S Bhargava
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pevensey Building, University of Sussex , Brighton BN1 9QH, UK)
D Brooks
(Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London , Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK)
D L Burke
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
A Carnero Rosell
(Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias , E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain)
M Carrasco Kind
(Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 1002 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
J Carretero
(Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology , Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain)
F J Castander
(Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) , E-08034 Barcelona, Spain)
M Costanzi
(INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste , via G. B. Tiepolo 11, I-34143 Trieste, Italy)
M Crocce
(Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) , E-08034 Barcelona, Spain)
L N da Costa
(Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia - LIneA , Rua Gal. José Cristino 77, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20921-400, Brazil)
J De Vicente
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) , Madrid, Spain)
J DeRose
(Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics , Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA)
S Desai
(Department of Physics, IIT Hyderabad , Kandi, Telangana 502285, India)
J P Dietrich
(Faculty of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität , Scheinerstr 1, D-81679 Munich, Germany)
T F Eifler
(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology , 4800 Oak Grove Dr., Pasadena, CA 91109, USA)
J Elvin-Poole
(Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University , Columbus, OH 43210, USA)
I Ferrero
(Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo . PO Box 1029 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo, Norway)
B Flaugher
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
P Fosalba
(Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) , E-08034 Barcelona, Spain)
J García-Bellido
(Instituto de Fisica Teorica UAM/CSIC, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid , E-28049 Madrid, Spain)
E Gaztanaga
(Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) , E-08034 Barcelona, Spain)
D W Gerdes
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA)
J Gschwend
(Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia - LIneA , Rua Gal. José Cristino 77, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20921-400, Brazil)
G Gutierrez
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
S R Hinton
(School of Mathematics and Physics, University of Queensland , Brisbane, QLD 4072, Australia)
D L Hollowood
(Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics , Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA)
D Huterer
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA)
D J James
(Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian , 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA)
S Kent
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
E Krause
(Department of Astronomy/Steward Observatory, University of Arizona , 933 North Cherry Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85721-0065, USA)
K Kuehn
(Australian Astronomical Optics, Macquarie University , North Ryde, NSW 2113, Australia)
N Kuropatkin
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
O Lahav
(Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London , Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK)
H Lin
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
M A G Maia
(Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia - LIneA , Rua Gal. José Cristino 77, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20921-400, Brazil)
M March
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
J L Marshall
(George P. and Cynthia Woods Mitchell Institute for Fundamental Physics and Astronomy, and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University , College Station, TX 77843, USA)
P Martini
(Center for Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics, The Ohio State University , Columbus, OH 43210, USA)
P Melchior
(Department of Astrophysical Sciences, Princeton University , Peyton Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA)
F Menanteau
(Department of Astronomy, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , 1002 W. Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
R Miquel
(Institut de Física d’Altes Energies (IFAE), The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology , Campus UAB, 08193 Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain)
J J Mohr
(Faculty of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität , Scheinerstr 1, D-81679 Munich, Germany)
R Morgan
(Physics Department, University of Wisconsin–Madison , 2320 Chamberlin Hall, 1150 University Avenue Madison, WI 53706-1390, USA)
E Neilsen
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
R L C Ogando
(Laboratório Interinstitucional de e-Astronomia - LIneA , Rua Gal. José Cristino 77, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 20921-400, Brazil)
S Pandey
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
A K Romer
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pevensey Building, University of Sussex , Brighton BN1 9QH, UK)
A Roodman
(Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics & Cosmology, PO Box 2450, Stanford University , Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
M Sako
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA)
E Sanchez
(Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) , Madrid, Spain)
V Scarpine
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
S Serrano
(Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) , E-08034 Barcelona, Spain)
M Smith
(School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton , Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK)
M Soares-Santos
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA)
E Suchyta
(Computer Science and Mathematics Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory , Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA)
M E C Swanson
(National Center for Supercomputing Applications , 1205 West Clark St, Urbana, IL 61801, USA)
G Tarle
(Department of Physics, University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA)
D Thomas
(Institute of Cosmology and Gravitation, University of Portsmouth , Portsmouth PO1 3FX, UK)
C To
(Department of Physics, Stanford University , 382 Via Pueblo Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, USA)
T N Varga
(Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics , Giessenbachstrasse, D-85748 Garching, Germany)
A R Walker
(Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NSF’s National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory , Casilla 603, La Serena, Chile)
W Wester
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory , PO Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510, USA)
R D Wilkinson
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Pevensey Building, University of Sussex , Brighton BN1 9QH, UK)
J Zuntz
(Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh , Edinburgh EH9 3HJ, UK)
Date Acquired
February 10, 2024
Publication Date
October 27, 2021
Publication Information
Publication: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Publisher: Oxford University Press (OUP)
Volume: 509
Issue: 3
Issue Publication Date: November 30, 2021
ISSN: 0035-8711
e-ISSN: 1365-2966
Funding Number(s)
funding: 15-WFIRST15-0008
funding: 681431
funding: 465376/2014-2
funding: 2012B-0001
funding: AST-1138766
funding: ESP2017-89838
funding: FP7/2007-2013
funding: 240672
funding: DE-AC02-07CH11359
Distribution Limits
space and planetary science
astronomy and astrophysics

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