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Compositional characteristics of some Apollo 14 clastic materials.Eighty-two subsamples of Apollo 14 materials have been analyzed by instrumental neutron activation analysis techniques for as many as 25 elements. In many cases, it was necessary to develop new procedures to allow analyses of small specimens. Compositional relationships among Apollo 14 materials indicate that there are small but systematic differences between regolith from the valley terrain and that from Cone Crater ejecta. Fragments from 1-2 mm size fractions of regolith samples may be divided into compositional classes, and the 'soil breccias' among them are very similar to valley soils. Multicomponent linear mixing models have been used as interpretive tools in dealing with data on regolith fractions and subsamples from breccia 14321. These mixing models show systematic compositional variations with inferred age for Apollo 14 clastic materials.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Lindstrom, M. M.
Duncan, A. R.
Fruchter, J. S.
Mckay, S. M.
Stoeser, J. W.
Goles, G. G.
Lindstrom, D. J.
(Oregon, University Eugene, Ore., United States)
Date Acquired
August 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1972
Subject Category
Space Sciences
Meeting Information
Meeting: Lunar Science Conference
Location: Houston, TX
Start Date: January 10, 1972
End Date: January 13, 1972
Accession Number
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