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The possibility of using superconductive systems in the analysis of the composition of cosmic raysThe experimental results on the use of superconductive systems onboard of spacecraft are described. To ensure low temperatures in the cryostat under weightlessness, helium was used at a pressure above the critical pressure. In flight, the temperature was controlled at six points, while the pressure and intensity of the magnetic field were controlled in the solenoids. The methodical test proved it possible to mount special installations on satellites, with extensive magnetic fields based on superconductive alloys, and particularly, low weights and low power consumption magnetic analyzers.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Anashkin, O. P.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Belitskiy, B. M.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Brodskiy, V. B.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Kurnosova, L. V.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Mikhaylov, N. N.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Razorenov, L. A.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Sidyakina, L. A.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Fradkin, M. I.
(Kanner (Leo) Associates Redwood City, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 8, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1975
Publication Information
Publication: Cosmic Rays (
Subject Category
Space Radiation
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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