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Plasma rotation by electric and magnetic fields in a discharge cylinderA theoretical model for an electric discharge consisting of a spatially diverging plasma sustained electrically between a small ring cathode and a larger ring anode in a cylindrical chamber with an axial magnetic field is developed to study the rotation of the discharge plasma in the crossed electric and magnetic fields. The associated boundary-value problem for the coupled partial differential equations which describe the electric potential and the plasma velocity fields is solved in closed form. The electric field, current density, and velocity distributions are discussed in terms of the Hartmann number and the Hall coefficient. As a result of Lorentz forces, the plasma rotates with speeds as high as 1 million cm/sec around its axis of symmetry at typical conditions. As an application, it is noted that rotating discharges of this type could be used to develop a high-density plasma-ultracentrifuge driven by j x B forces, in which the lighter (heavier) ion and atom components would be enriched in (off) the center of the discharge cylinder.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
External Source(s)
Wilhelm, H. E.
(Colorado State Univ. Fort Collins, CO, United States)
Hong, S. H.
(Colorado State University Fort Collins, Colo., United States)
Date Acquired
August 9, 2013
Publication Date
February 1, 1977
Publication Information
Publication: Journal of Applied Physics
Volume: 48
Subject Category
Plasma Physics
Accession Number
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