Fast-response free-running dc-to-dc converter employing a state-trajectory control lawA recently proposed state-trajectory control law for a family of energy-storage dc-to-dc converters has been implemented for the voltage step-up configuration. Two methods of realization are discussed; one employs a digital processor and the other uses analog computational circuits. Performance characteristics of experimental voltage step-up converters operating under the control of each of these implementations are reported and compared to theoretical predictions and computer simulations.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Huffman, S. D. (Duke Univ. Durham, NC, United States)
Burns, W. W., III (Duke Univ. Durham, NC, United States)
Wilson, T. G. (Duke Univ. Durham, NC, United States)
Owen, H. A., Jr. (Duke University Durham, N.C., United States)