Development of a Kevlar/PMR-15 reduced drag DC-9 nacelle fairingThe paper describes an advanced composite fairing designed to reduce drag on DC-9 nacelles as a part of the NASA Engine Component Improvement Program. This fairing is the aft enclosure for the thrust reverser actuator system on JT8D engine nacelles and is subjected to a 500 F exhaust flow during the reverse thrust. A reduced-drag configuration was developed by using in-flight tuft surveys for flow visualization in order to identify areas with low-quality flow, and then modifying the aerodynamic lines to improve the flow. A fabrication method for molding the part in an autoclave was developed; this material system is suitable for 500 F. The resultant composite fairing reduces the overall aircraft drag 1% with a weight reduction of 40% when compared with a metal component.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Kawai, R. T. (Douglas Aircraft Co. Long Beach, Calif., United States)
Hrach, F. J. (NASA Lewis Research Center Engine Component Improvement Office, Cleveland, Ohio, United States)