Viscous flow drag reduction; Symposium, Dallas, Tex., November 7, 8, 1979, Technical PapersThe symposium focused on laminar boundary layers, boundary layer stability analysis of a natural laminar flow glove on the F-111 TACT aircraft, drag reduction of an oscillating flat plate with an interface film, electromagnetic precipitation and ducting of particles in turbulent boundary layers, large eddy breakup scheme for turbulent viscous drag reduction, blowing and suction, polymer additives, and compliant surfaces. Topics included influence of environment in laminar boundary layer control, generation rate of turbulent patches in the laminar boundary layer of a submersible, drag reduction of small amplitude rigid surface waves, and hydrodynamic drag and surface deformations generated by liquid flows over flexible surfaces.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Hough, G. R. (Vought Advanced Technology Center Dallas, Tex., United States)