Monomethylhydrazine versus hydrazine fuels - Test results using a 100 pound thrust bipropellant rocket engineA test program was performed to evaluate hydrazine (N2H4) as a fuel for a 445 Newton (100 lbf) thrust bipropellant rocket engine. Results of testing with an identical thruster utilizing monomethylhydrazine (MMH) are included for comparison. Engine performance with hydrazine fuel was essentially identical to that experienced with monomethylhydrazine although higher combustor wall temperatures (approximately 400 F) were obtained with hydrazine. Results are presented which indicate that hydrazine as a fuel is compatible with Marquardt bipropellant rocket engines which use monomethylhydrazine as a baseline fuel.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Smith, J. A. (Marquardt Corp. Van Nuys, CA, United States)
Stechman, R. C. (Marquardt Co. Van Nuys, CA, United States)