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Very-long-baseline radio interferometry - The Mark III system for geodesy, astrometry, and aperture synthesisUp to 112 megabit/sec from each radio telescope of an interferometric array can be recorded and processed by the Mark III VLBI system. Sample results are given for baseline lengths between three antennas in the U.S. and three in Europe, as well as for the arc lengths between the positions of six extragalactic radio sources. No significant change is detected in any of these quantities. Signals of a given polarization or of pairs of orthogonal polarizations may be recorded in up to 28 contiguous bands, each nearly 2 MHz wide, for mapping the brightness distribution of compact radio sources. The demonstrated ability to record large bandwidths, and to link many large radio telescopes, allows compact sources with flux densities below 1 millijansky to be detected and studied.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Rogers, A. E. E.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Cappalo, R. J.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Hinteregger, H. F.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Levine, J. I.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Nesman, E. F.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Webber, J. C.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Whitney, A. R.
(Haystack Observatory Westford, MA, United States)
Clark, T. A.
(Northeast Radio Observatory Corp. Westford, MA, United States)
Ryan, C. M. J.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Corey, B. E.
(MIT Cambridge, MA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 11, 2013
Publication Date
January 7, 1983
Publication Information
Publication: Science
Volume: 219
Subject Category
Accession Number
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: F19628-81-K-0015
CONTRACT_GRANT: USGS-14-08-0001-18388
Distribution Limits

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