Erosion of mylar and protection by thin metal filmsMylar strips, 2.5 microns thick, uncoated and coated with 50A, 100A and 200A of Al, Pd, and Au/Pd were exposed on STS-5 in order to measure the erosion of mylar and to test means of protecting thin plastic foils commonly used for space experiments in low earth orbit. Analysis by optical microscopy, SEM and STEM investigation, EDX measurements, FTIR spectroscopy and weight loss measurements showed that while up to 75 percent of the uncoated mylar was eroded during exposure, thin coatings of the above metals can protect mylar for integrated oxygen-fluxes of at least 10 to the 21st atoms/sq cm.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Fraundorf, P. (Monsanto Research Center St. Louis, Mo, United States)
Lindstrom, D. (Monsanto Research Corp. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Sandford, S. (Monsanto Research Corp. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Swan, P. (Monsanto Research Corp. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Walker, R. (Monsanto Research Corp. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
Zinner, E. (Washington University St. Louis, MO, United States)
Pailer, N. (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik Heidelberg, Germany)