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The investigation of selected oceanographic applications of spaceborne synthetic-aperture radarSynthetic aperture radar images obtained from Seasat and SIR-A showed that a number of oceanographic features were imaged in considerable detail, like internal waves, large ocean waves, bathymetric features, eddies, and slicks. the imaging mechanisms however, are not well understood, and for both SEASAT and SIR-A there are few supporting sea surface measurements to assist in the study of these imaging mechanisms. The SIR-B will conduct three separate experiments to provide a better understanding of the use of spaceborne SAR for imaging: (1) internal waves; (2) ocean surface waves, and (3) shallow water bathymetry. These experiments are chosen because they lead to possible applications for microwave remote sensing of the ocean surface and give a better understanding of the microwave/sea surface imaging mechanism.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Keyte, G. E.
(Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough, United Kingdom)
Barber, B. C.
(Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough, United Kingdom)
Barnes, M. B.
(Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough, United Kingdom)
White, G. C.
(Royal Aircraft Establishment Farnborough, United Kingdom)
Bagg, M.
(Admiralty Underwater Weapons Establishment)
Dolier, B.
(City of London Polytechnic)
Lynn, N.
(Royal Naval Coll.)
Date Acquired
August 12, 2013
Publication Date
July 1, 1984
Publication Information
Publication: JPL The SIR-B Sci. Invest. Plan
Subject Category
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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