Advanced technology payoffs for future rotorcraft, commuter aircraft, cruise missile, and APU propulsion systemsIn connection with the significant advances made regarding the performance of larger gas turbines, challenges arise concerning the improvement of small gas turbine engines in the 250 to 1000 horsepower range. In response to these challenges, the NASA/Army-sponsored Small Engine Component Technology (SECT) study was undertaken with the objective to identify the engine cycle, configuration, and component technology requirements for the substantial performance improvements desired in year-2000 small gas turbine engines. In the context of this objective, an American turbine engine company evaluated engines for four year-2000 applications, including a rotorcraft, a commuter aircraft, a supersonic cruise missile, and an auxiliary power unit (APU). Attention is given to reference missions, reference engines, reference aircraft, year-2000 technology projections, cycle studies, advanced engine selections, and a technology evaluation.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Turk, M. A. (Garrett Turbine Engine Co. Phoenix, AZ, United States)
Zeiner, P. K. (Garrett Turbine Engine Co. Phoenix, AZ, United States)