The development of optimal control laws for orbiting tethered platform systemsA mathematical model of the open and closed loop in-orbit plane dynamics of a space platform-tethered-subsatellite system is developed. The system consists of a rigid platform from which an (assumed massless) tether is deploying (retrieving) a subsatellite from an attachment point which is, in general, offset from the platform's mass center. A Lagrangian formulation yields equations describing platform pitch, subsatellite tether-line swing, and varying tether length motions. These equations are linearized about the nominal station keeping motion. Control can be provided by both modulation of the tether tension level and by a momentum type platform-mounted device; system controllability depends on the presence of both control inputs. Stability criteria are developed in terms of the control law gains, the platform inertia ratio, and tether offset parameter. Control law gains are obtained based on linear quadratic regulator techniques. Typical transient responses of both the state and required control effort are presented.
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Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Bainum, P. M. (Howard Univ. Washington, DC, United States)
Woodard, S. (Howard University Washington, DC, United States)
Juang, J.-N. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)