Vibration suppression of planar truss structures utilizing uniform damping controlA variety of methods has been devised for vibrational control of a structure using both passive and active controls. Presented in this paper is a relatively new method for vibration suppression, uniform damping control. This method consists of implementing a control law which tends to dampen each vibrational mode of the structure at the same desirable exponential rate. The unique aspects of this method are that the control law is not explicitly dependent on the structural stiffness, the control forces are directly proportional to the distribution of the structural mass, and the control law is natural and decentralized. The control law was applied to a flexible planar truss structure and the various aspects of implementation of the control law examined are: actuator/sensor number, placement, and the impact of the actuator/sensor number and placement on the necessary control 'power' requirements such as peak power loads, total power requirements, etc. Also examined are the effects of using a limited number of active members in terms of the vibrational performance when compared with the 'ideal' distributed control law.
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Legacy CDMS
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Conference Paper
Andersen, G. C. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Silverberg, L. M. (North Carolina State University Raleigh, United States)