Aerodynamic interaction between vortical wakes and lifting two-dimensional bodiesUnsteady rotor wake interactions with the empenage, tail boom, and other aerodynamic surfaces of a helicopter have a significant influence on its aerodynamic performance, the ride quality, and amount of vibration. A numerical method for computing the aerodynamic interaction between an interacting vortex wake and the viscous flow about arbitrary two-dimensional bodies has been developed to address this helicopter problem. The method solves for the flow field velocities on a body-fitted computational mesh using finite-difference techniques. The interaction of a rotor wake with the flow about a 4:1 elliptic cylinder at 45-deg incidence was calculated for a Reynolds number of 3000.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Stremel, Paul M. (NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)