Evaluation of thermal loading on a methane injector at high pressure and temperatureExperimental and numerical analyses are conducted to determine the surface temperature on a methane fuel injector used to produce a high enthalpy test stream for a combustion-fed subscale wind tunnel facility. It was found that the ratio of the methane fuel injection velocity to the air stream velocity is a significant factor in the production of high injector surface temperatures which lead to rapid deterioration of the fuel injector structure. The numerical code utilized for the computational analysis was found to be representative of the experimentally measured data since the experimental trends were reproduced by the numerical simulation. The quantitative accuracy of the numerical predictions could not be assessed from the data gathered because of the difficulty of making a noninterfering injector surface temperature measurement. The numerical code can be used for parametric evaluation of combustor parameters and thus will serve as an important tool in the design of such fuel injector systems.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Harvin, Stephen F. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 14, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1990
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer
Report/Patent Number
AIAA PAPER 90-0078Report Number: AIAA PAPER 90-0078