High-speed digital fiber optic links for satellite trafficLarge aperture phased array antennas operating at millimeter wave frequencies are designed for space-based communications and imaging platforms. Array elements are comprised of active T/R modules which are linked to the central processing unit through high-speed fiber-optic networks. The system architecture satisfying system requirements at millimeter wave frequency is T/R level data mixing where data and frequency reference signals are distributed independently before mixing at the T/R modules. This paper demonstrates design procedures of a low loss high-speed fiber-optic link used for transmission of data signals over 600-900 MHz bandwidth inside satellite. The fiber-optic link is characterized for transmission of analog and digital data. A dynamic range of 79 dB/MHz was measured for analog data over the bandwidth. On the other hand, for bursted SMSK satellite traffic at 220 Mbps rates, BER of 2 x 10 to the -7th was measured for E(b)/N(o) of 14.3 dB.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Daryoush, A. S. (Drexel Univ. Philadelphia, PA, United States)
Ackerman, E. (Drexel Univ. Philadelphia, PA, United States)
Saedi, R. (Drexel Univ. Philadelphia, PA, United States)
Kunath, R. R. (Drexel University Philadelphia, PA, United States)
Shalkhauser, K. (NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 14, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1989
Subject Category
Meeting Information
Meeting: Optical Technology for Microwave Applications IV