Major wildfires at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundaryK-T boundary (KTB) clays from five sites are enriched in soot and charcoal by factors of 100-1000 over Cretaceous levels, apparently due to a global fire. The soot profile nearly coincides with the Ir profile, implying that the fire was triggered by the impact. Much or all of the fuel was biomass, as indicated by the presence of retene and by the C isotopic composition. The amount of elemental C at the KTB (0.012 g/sq cm) is very large, and requires either that most of the Cretaceous biomass burned down or that the soot yield was higher than in small fires. At undisturbed sites, soot correlates tightly with Ir, As, Sb, and Zn. Apparently soot and Ir-bearing ejecta particles coagulated in the stratosphere and then scavenged additional chalcophiles from the hydrosphere. In view of this coagulation, the K-T fire would only slightly prolong the period of darkness and cold caused by impact ejecta.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Gilmour, Iain (Chicago Univ. Chicago, IL, United States)
Wolbach, Wendy S. (Chicago Univ. Chicago, IL, United States)
Anders, Edward (Chicago, University IL, United States)