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Evaluation of thermal control coatings for use on solar dynamic radiators in low earth orbitThermal control coatings with high thermal emittance and low solar absorptance are needed for Space Station Freedom (SSF) solar dynamic power module radiator (SDR) surfaces for efficient heat rejection. Additionally, these coatings must be durable to low earth orbital (LEO) environmental effects of atomic oxygen, ultraviolet radiation and deep thermal cycles which occur as a result of start-up and shut-down of the solar dynamic power system. Eleven candidate coatings were characterized for their solar absorptance and emittance before and after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation (200 to 400 nm), vacuum UV (VUV) radiation (100 to 200 nm) and atomic oxygen. Results indicated that the most durable and best performing coatings were white paint thermal control coatings Z-93, zinc oxide pigment in potassium silicate binder, and YB-71, zinc orthotitanate pigment in potassium silicate binder. Optical micrographs of these materials exposed to the individual environmental effects of atomic oxygen and vacuum thermal cycling showed that no surface cracking occurred.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Dever, Joyce A.
(NASA Lewis Research Center Cleveland, OH, United States)
Rodriguez, Elvin
(Cleveland State University OH, United States)
Slemp, Wayne S.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Stoyack, Joseph E.
(LTV Missiles and Electronics Group Grand Prairie, TX, United States)
Date Acquired
August 15, 2013
Publication Date
June 1, 1991
Subject Category
Spacecraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
AIAA PAPER 91-1327
Accession Number
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