Biomass burning - Combustion emissions, satellite imagery, and biogenic emissionsAfter detailing a technique for the estimation of the instantaneous emission of trace gases produced by biomass burning, using satellite imagery, attention is given to the recent discovery that burning results in significant enhancement of biogenic emissions of N2O, NO, and CH4. Biomass burning accordingly has an immediate and long-term impact on the production of atmospheric trace gases. It is presently demonstrated that satellite imagery of fires may be used to estimate combustion emissions, and could be used to estimate long-term postburn biogenic emission of trace gases to the atmosphere.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Proceedings
Levine, Joel S. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Cofer, Wesley R., III (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Winstead, Edward L. (ST Systems Corp. Hampton, VA, United States)
Rhinehart, Robert P. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Cahoon, Donald R., Jr. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Sebacher, Daniel I. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Sebacher, Shirley (ST Systems Corp. Hampton, VA, United States)
Stocks, Brian J. (Forestry Canada Sault-Ste.-Marie, United States)