Analysis of thermo-chemical nonequilibrium models for carbon dioxide flowsThe aerothermodynamics of thermochemical nonequilibrium carbon dioxide flows is studied. The chemical kinetics models of McKenzie and Park are implemented in separate three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics codes. The codes incorporate a five-species gas model characterized by a translational-rotational and a vibrational temperature. Solutions are obtained for flow over finite length elliptical and circular cylinders. The computed flowfields are then employed to calculate Mach-Zehnder interferograms for comparison with experimental data. The accuracy of the chemical kinetics models is determined through this comparison. Also, the methodology of the three-dimensional thermochemical nonequilibrium code is verified by the reproduction of the experiments.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Rock, Stacey G. (NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Candler, Graham V. (North Carolina State University Raleigh, United States)
Hornung, Hans G. (California Institute of Technology Pasadena, United States)