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Express Payload Project - A new method for rapid access to Space Station FreedomThe deployment and permanent operation of Space Station Freedom will enable researchers to enter a new era in the 21st century, in which continuous on-orbit experimentation and observation become routine. In support of this objective, the Space Station Freedom Program Office has initiated the Express Payload Project. The fundamental project goal is to reduce the marginal cost associated with small payload development, integration, and operation. This is to be accomplished by developing small payload accommodations hardware and a new streamlined small payload integration process. Standardization of small payload interfaces, certification of small payload containers, and increased payload developer responsibility for mission success are key aspects of the Express Payload Project. As the project progresses, the principles will be applied to both pressurized payloads flown inside the station laboratories and unpressurized payloads attached to the station external structures. The increased access to space afforded by Space Station Freedom and the Express Payload Project has the potential to significantly expand the scope, magnitude, and success of future research in the microgravity environment.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Uhran, Mark L.
(NASA Space Station Freedom Program Office Reston, VA, United States)
Timm, Marc G.
(Center for Space and Advanced Technology Fairfax, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 16, 2013
Publication Date
October 1, 1993
Subject Category
Launch Vehicles And Space Vehicles
Report/Patent Number
IAF PAPER 93-524
Meeting Information
Meeting: IAF, International Astronautical Congress
Location: Graz
Country: Austria
Start Date: October 16, 1993
End Date: October 22, 1993
Sponsors: IAF
Accession Number
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