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Electrolyte management considerations in modern nickel hydrogen and nickel cadmium cell and battery designsIn the early 1980's the NASA Lewis group addressed the topic of designing nickel hydrogen cells for LEO applications. As published in 1984, the design addressed the topics of gas management, liquid management, plate expansion, and the recombination of oxygen during overcharge. This design effort followed principles set forth in an earlier Lewis paper that addressed the topic of pore size engineering. At about that same time, the beneficial effect on cycle life of lower electrolyte concentrations was verified by Hughes Aircraft as part of a Lewis funded study. A succession of life cycle tests of these concepts have been carried out that essentially verified all of this earlier work. During these past two decades, some of the mysteries involved in the active material of the nickel electrode have been resolved by careful research efforts carried out at several laboratories. At The Aerospace Corporation, Dr. Zimmerman has been developing a sophisticated model of an operating nickel hydrogen cell which will be used to model certain mechanisms that have contributed to premature failures in nickel hydrogen and nickel cadmium cells. During the course of trying to understand and model abnormal nickel hydrogen cell behaviors, we have noted that not enough attention has been paid to the potassium ion content in these cells, and more recently batteries. Several of these phenomenon have been well known in the area of alkaline fuel cells, but only recently have they been examined as they might impact alkaline cell designs. This paper will review three general areas where the potassium ion content can impact the performance and life of nickel hydrogen and nickel cadmium devices, Once these phenomenon are understood conceptually, the impact of potassium content on a potential cell design can be evaluated with the aid of an accurate model of an operating cell or battery. All three of these areas are directly related to the volume tolerance and pore size engineering aspects of the components used in the cell or battery design: (1) The gamma phase uptake of potassium ion can result in a lowering of the electrolyte concentration. This leads to a higher electrolyte resistance as well as electrolyte diffusional limitations on the discharge rate. This phenomenon will also impact the response of the cell to a reconditioning cycle. (2) The impact of low level shunt currents in multi-cell con figurations will result in the movement of potassium ion from one part of the battery to another. This will impact the electrolyte volume/vapor pressure relationships within the cell or battery. (3) The transport of water vapor from place to place under the driving force of a tempetature gradient has already impacted cells for the case where water vapor is condensed on a colder cell wall. The paper will explore the convective and diffusive movement of gases saturated with water vapor from a warmer plate pack to a cooler one - both with and without liquid communication.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Conference Paper
Thaller, L. H.
(Aerospace Corp. Washington, DC, United States)
Zimmerman, A. H.
(Aerospace Corp. Washington, DC, United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
April 1, 1995
Publication Information
Publication: NASA. Lewis Research Center, Space Electrochemical Research and Technology. Abstracts
Subject Category
Electronics And Electrical Engineering
Accession Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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