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Providing the Persistent Data Storage in a Software Engineering Environment Using Java/COBRA and a DBMSAn investigation was undertaken to build the software foundation for the WHERE (Web-based Hyper-text Environment for Requirements Engineering) project. The TCM (Toolkit for Conceptual Modeling) was chosen as the foundation software for the WHERE project which aims to provide an environment for facilitating collaboration among geographically distributed people involved in the Requirements Engineering process. The TCM is a collection of diagram and table editors and has been implemented in the C++ programming language. The C++ implementation of the TCM was translated into Java in order to allow the editors to be used for building various functionality of the WHERE project; the WHERE project intends to use the Web as its communication back- bone. One of the limitations of the translated software (TcmJava), which militated against its use in the WHERE project, was persistent data management mechanisms which it inherited from the original TCM; it was designed to be used in standalone applications. Before TcmJava editors could be used as a part of the multi-user, geographically distributed applications of the WHERE project, a persistent storage mechanism must be built which would allow data communication over the Internet, using the capabilities of the Web. An approach involving features of Java, CORBA (Common Object Request Broker), the Web, a middle-ware (Java Relational Binding (JRB)), and a database server was used to build the persistent data management infrastructure for the WHERE project. The developed infrastructure allows a TcmJava editor to be downloaded and run from a network host by using a JDK 1.1 (Java Developer's Kit) compatible Web-browser. The aforementioned editor establishes connection with a server by using the ORB (Object Request Broker) software and stores/retrieves data in/from the server. The server consists of a CORBA object or objects depending upon whether the data is to be made persistent on a single server or multiple servers. The CORBA object providing the persistent data server is implemented using the Java progranu-ning language. It uses the JRB to store/retrieve data in/from a relational database server. The persistent data management system provides transaction and user management facilities which allow multi-user, distributed access to the stored data in a secure manner.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Dhaliwal, Swarn S.
(West Virginia Univ. Morgantown, WV United States)
Date Acquired
September 6, 2013
Publication Date
December 5, 1997
Subject Category
Computer Programming And Software
Report/Patent Number
NAS 1.26:207047
Report Number: WVU-IVV-97-018
Report Number: NAS 1.26:207047
Report Number: WVU-CS-TR-97-020
Report Number: NASA-IVV-97-018
Report Number: NASA/CR-97-207047
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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