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Development of an Advanced Computational Model for OMCVD of Indium NitrideAn advanced computational model is being developed to predict the formation of indium nitride (InN) film from the reaction of trimethylindium (In(CH3)3) with ammonia (NH3). The components are introduced into the reactor in the gas phase within a background of molecular nitrogen (N2). Organometallic chemical vapor deposition occurs on a heated sapphire surface. The model simulates heat and mass transport with gas and surface chemistry under steady state and pulsed conditions. The development and validation of an accurate model for the interactions between the diffusion of gas phase species and surface kinetics is essential to enable the regulation of the process in order to produce a low defect material. The validation of the model will be performed in concert with a NASA-North Carolina State University project.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Cardelino, Carlos A.
(Georgia Inst. of Tech. Atlanta, GA United States)
Moore, Craig E.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Cardelino, Beatriz H.
(Spelman Coll. Atlanta, GA United States)
Zhou, Ning
(CFD Research Corp. Huntsville, AL United States)
Lowry, Sam
(CFD Research Corp. Huntsville, AL United States)
Krishnan, Anantha
(CFD Research Corp. Huntsville, AL United States)
Frazier, Donald O.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL United States)
Bachmann, Klaus J.
(North Carolina State Univ. Raleigh, NC United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1999
Subject Category
Nonmetallic Materials
Meeting Information
Meeting: Photonics West
Location: San Jose, CA
Country: United States
Start Date: January 23, 1999
End Date: January 29, 1999
Sponsors: International Society for Optical Engineering
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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