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Mixing Enhancement in a Lobed InjectorAn experimental investigation of the non-reactive mixing processes associated with a lobed fuel injector in a coflowing air stream is presented. The lobed fuel injector is a device which generates streamwise vorticity, producing high strain rates which can enhance the mixing of reactants while delaying ignition in a controlled manner. The lobed injectors examined in the present study consist of two corrugated plates between which a fuel surrogate, CO2, is injected into coflowing air. Acetone is seeded in the CO2 supply as a fuel marker. Comparison of two alternative lobed injector geometries is made with a straight fuel injector to determine net differences in mixing and strain fields due to streamwise vorticity generation. Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) of the seeded acetone yields two-dimensional images of the scalar concentration field at various downstream locations, from which local mixing and scalar dissipation rates are computed. It is found that the lobed injector geometry can enhance molecular mixing and create a highly strained flowfield, and that the strain rates generated by scalar energy dissipation can potentially delay ignition in a reacting flowfield.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
External Source(s)
Smith, L. L.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Majamaki, A. J.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Lam, I. T.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Delabroy, O.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Karagozian, A. R.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Marble, F. E.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Smith, O. I.
(California Univ. Los Angeles, CA United States)
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
March 1, 1997
Publication Information
Publication: Physics of Fluids
Volume: 9
Issue: 3
ISSN: 1070-6631
Subject Category
Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer
Report/Patent Number
ISSN: 1070-6631
Funding Number(s)
CONTRACT_GRANT: N00014-93-I-1383
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