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Global Warming Estimation from MSU: Correction for Drift and Calibration ErrorsMicrowave Sounding Unit (MSU) radiometer observations in Ch 2 (53.74 GHz), made in the nadir direction from sequential, sun-synchronous, polar-orbiting NOAA morning satellites (NOAA 6, 10 and 12 that have about 7am/7pm orbital geometry) and afternoon satellites (NOAA 7, 9, 11 and 14 that have about 2am/2pm orbital geometry) are analyzed in this study to derive global temperature trend from 1980 to 1998. In order to remove the discontinuities between the data of the successive satellites and to get a continuous time series, first we have used shortest possible time record of each satellite. In this way we get a preliminary estimate of the global temperature trend of 0.21 K/decade. However, this estimate is affected by systematic time-dependent errors. One such error is the instrument calibration error. This error can be inferred whenever there are overlapping measurements made by two satellites over an extended period of time. From the available successive satellite data we have taken the longest possible time record of each satellite to form the time series during the period 1980 to 1998 to this error. We find we can decrease the global temperature trend by about 0.07 K/decade. In addition there are systematic time dependent errors present in the data that are introduced by the drift in the satellite orbital geometry arises from the diurnal cycle in temperature which is the drift related change in the calibration of the MSU. In order to analyze the nature of these drift related errors the multi-satellite Ch 2 data set is partitioned into am and pm subsets to create two independent time series. The error can be assessed in the am and pm data of Ch 2 on land and can be eliminated. Observations made in the MSU Ch 1 (50.3 GHz) support this approach. The error is obvious only in the difference between the pm and am observations of Ch 2 over the ocean. We have followed two different paths to assess the impact of the errors on the global temperature trend. In one path the entire error is placed in the am data while in the other it is placed in the pm data. Global temperature trend is increased or decreased by about 0.03 K/decade depending upon this placement. Taking into account all random errors and systematic errors our analysis of MSU observations leads us to conclude that a conservative estimate of the global warming is 0. 11 (+-) 0.04 K/decade during 1980 to 1998.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Prabhakara, C.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD United States)
Iacovazzi, R., Jr.
(Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services Lanham, MD United States)
Yoo, J.-M.
(Ewha Woman's Univ. Seoul, Korea, Republic of)
Einaudi, Franco
Date Acquired
August 19, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2000
Subject Category
Environment Pollution
Meeting Information
Meeting: Radiation
Location: Saint Petersburg
Country: Russia
Start Date: July 24, 2000
End Date: July 29, 2000
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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