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The Relationship Between Constraint and Ductile Fracture Initiation as Defined by Micromechanical AnalysesThe use of small laboratory specimens to predict the integrity of large, complex structures relies on the validity of single parameter fracture mechanics. Unfortunately, the constraint loss associated with large scale yielding, whether in a laboratory specimen because of its small size or in a structure because it contains shallow flaws loaded in tension, can cause the breakdown of classical fracture mechanics and the loss of transferability of critical, global fracture parameters. Although the issue of constraint loss can be eliminated by testing actual structural configurations, such an approach can be prohibitively costly. Hence, a methodology that can correct global fracture parameters for constraint effects is desirable. This research uses micromechanical analyses to define the relationship between global, ductile fracture initiation parameters and constraint in two specimen geometries (SECT and SECB with varying a/w ratios) and one structural geometry (circumferentially cracked pipe). Two local fracture criteria corresponding to ductile fracture micromechanisms are evaluated: a constraint-modified, critical strain criterion for void coalescence proposed by Hancock and Cowling and a critical void ratio criterion for void growth based on the Rice and Tracey model. Crack initiation is assumed to occur when the critical value in each case is reached over some critical length. The primary material of interest is A516-70, a high-hardening pressure vessel steel sensitive to constraint; however, a low-hardening structural steel that is less sensitive to constraint is also being studied. Critical values of local fracture parameters are obtained by numerical analysis and experimental testing of circumferentially notched tensile specimens of varying constraint (e.g., notch radius). These parameters are then used in conjunction with large strain, large deformation, two- and three-dimensional finite element analyses of the geometries listed above to predict crack initiation loads and to calculate the associated (critical) global fracture parameters. The loads are verified experimentally, and microscopy is used to measure pre-crack length, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD), and the amount of stable crack growth. Results for A516-70 steel indicate that the constraint-modified, critical strain criterion with a critical length approximately equal to the grain size (0.0025 inch) provides accurate predictions of crack initiation. The critical void growth criterion is shown to considerably underpredict crack initiation loads with the same critical length. The relationship between the critical value of the J-integral for ductile crack initiation and crack depth for SECT and SECB specimens has been determined using the constraint-modified, critical strain criterion, demonstrating that this micromechanical model can be used to correct in-plane constraint effects due to crack depth and bending vs. tension loading. Finally, the relationship developed for the SECT specimens is used to predict the behavior of circumferentially cracked pipe specimens.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Panontin, Tina L.
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA United States)
Sheppard, Sheri D.
(Stanford Univ. Stanford, CA United States)
Date Acquired
August 20, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1994
Subject Category
Structural Mechanics
Meeting Information
Meeting: ASTM 26th National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics
Location: Idaho Falls, ID
Country: United States
Start Date: June 27, 1994
End Date: June 29, 1994
Sponsors: American Society for Testing and Materials
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 323-11-03
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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