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Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and Stress-Intensity Factor Corrections for Out-of-Plane Crack GrowthFatigue crack growth rate testing is performed by automated data collection systems that assume straight crack growth in the plane of symmetry and use standard polynomial solutions to compute crack length and stress-intensity factors from compliance or potential drop measurements. Visual measurements used to correct the collected data typically include only the horizontal crack length, which for cracks that propagate out-of-plane, under-estimates the crack growth rates and over-estimates the stress-intensity factors. The authors have devised an approach for correcting both the crack growth rates and stress-intensity factors based on two-dimensional mixed mode-I/II finite element analysis (FEA). The approach is used to correct out-of-plane data for 7050-T7451 and 2025-T6 aluminum alloys. Results indicate the correction process works well for high DeltaK levels but fails to capture the mixed-mode effects at DeltaK levels approaching threshold (da/dN approximately 10(exp -10) meter/cycle).
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Conference Paper
Forth, Scott C.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Herman, Dave J.
(Washington Univ. Saint Louis, MO, United States)
James, Mark A.
(National Inst. for Aerospace Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2003
Publication Information
Publication: Fatigue and Future Mechanics
Volume: 34
Subject Category
Structural Mechanics
Meeting Information
Meeting: Second International ASTM/ESIS Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
Location: Tampa, FL
Country: United States
Start Date: November 19, 2003
End Date: November 21, 2003
Sponsors: American Society for Testing and Materials, European Structural Integrity Society
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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