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Analysis of Wind Tunnel Lateral Oscillatory Data of the F-16XL AircraftStatic and dynamic wind tunnel tests were performed on an 18% scale model of the F-16XL aircraft. These tests were performed over a wide range of angles of attack and sideslip with oscillation amplitudes from 5 deg. to 30 deg. and reduced frequencies from 0.073 to 0.269. Harmonic analysis was used to estimate Fourier coefficients and in-phase and out-of-phase components. For frequency dependent data from rolling oscillations, a two-step regression method was used to obtain unsteady models (indicial functions), and derivatives due to sideslip angle, roll rate and yaw rate from in-phase and out-of-phase components. Frequency dependence was found for angles of attack between 20 deg. and 50 deg. Reduced values of coefficient of determination and increased values of fit error were found for angles of attack between 35 deg. and 45 deg. An attempt to estimate model parameters from yaw oscillations failed, probably due to the low number of test cases at different frequencies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Technical Memorandum (TM)
Klein, Vladislav
(George Washington Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
Murphy, Patrick C.
(NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA, United States)
Szyba, Nathan M.
(George Washington Univ. Hampton, VA, United States)
Date Acquired
September 7, 2013
Publication Date
August 1, 2004
Subject Category
Aircraft Design, Testing And Performance
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
OTHER: 23-762-45-DB
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
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