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Thermophysical Properties and Structural Transition of Hg(0.8)Cd(0.2)Te MeltThermophysical properties, namely, density, viscosity, and electrical conductivity of Hg(sub o.8)Cd(sub 0.2)Te melt were measured as a function of temperature. A pycnometric method was used to measure the melt density in the temperature range of 1072 to 1122 K. The viscosity and electrical conductivity were simultaneously determined using a transient torque method from 1068 to 1132 K. The density result from this study is within 0.3% of the published data. However, the current viscosity result is approximately 30% lower than the existing data. The electrical conductivity of Hg(sub o.8)Cd(sub 0.2)Te melt as a function of temperature, which is not available in the literature, is also determined. The analysis of the temperature dependent electrical conductivity and the relationship between the kinematic viscosity and density indicated that the structure of the melt appeared to be homogeneous when the temperature was above 1090 K. A structural transition occurred in the Hg(sub 0.8)Cd(0.2)Te melt as the temperature was decreased from 1090 K to the liquidus temperature.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Li, C.
Scripa, R. N.
Ban, H.
Lin, B.
Su, C.
Lehoczky, S. L.
Date Acquired
August 22, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Subject Category
Solid-State Physics
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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