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Regulation of statoconia mineralization in Aplysia californica in vitroStatoconia are calcium carbonate inclusions in the lumen of the gravity-sensing organ, the statocyst, of Aplysia californica. The aim of the present study was to examine the role of carbonic anhydrase and urease in statoconia mineralization in vitro. The experiments were performed using a previously described culture system (Pedrozo et al., J. Comp. Physiol. (A) 177:415-425). Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase by acetazolamide decreased statoconia production and volume, while inhibition of urease by acetohydroxamic acid reduced total statoconia number, but had no affect on statoconia volume. Inhibition of carbonic anhydrase initially increased and then decreased the statocyst pH, whereas inhibition of urease decreased statocyst pH at all times examined; simultaneous addition of both inhibitors also decreased pH. These effects were dose and time dependent. The results show that carbonic anhydrase and urease are required for statoconia formation and homeostasis, and for regulation of statocyst pH. This suggests that these two enzymes regulate mineralization at least partially through regulation of statocyst pH.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Legacy CDMS
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Pedrozo, H. A.
(University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio 78284-7774, United States)
Schwartz, Z.
Dean, D. D.
Wiederhold, M. L.
Boyan, B. D.
Date Acquired
August 22, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1996
Publication Information
Publication: Connective tissue research
Volume: 35
Issue: 1-4
ISSN: 0300-8207
Subject Category
Life Sciences (General)
Distribution Limits
NASA Discipline Neuroscience
Non-NASA Center

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