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Mouse Cleaning Apparatus and MethodThe method of using the mouse pad cleaning apparatus is disclosed and claimed. The method comprises the steps of uncovering the mouse cleaning surface, applying the mouse and ball of the mouse to the cleaning surface, moving the mouse in a rotational pattern on the mouse cleaning surface, removing the mouse form the mouse cleaning surface, washing the cleaning surface, and covering the mouse cleaning surface. A mouse pad cleaning apparatus comprising a plurality of substrates, each said substrate having adhesive thereon, said plurality of substrates residing in and affixed to a receptacle. A single substrate having adhesive, which may be washable or non-washable, thereon may be employed. The washable adhesive may be an organopolysiloxane or gelatinous elastomer.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - Patent
Glenn L Williams
(Glenn Research Center Cleveland, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
February 8, 2005
Subject Category
Mechanical Engineering
Report/Patent Number
Patent Number: US-Patent-6,852,170
Patent Number: NASA-Case-LEW-17236-1
Patent Application Number: US-Patent Appl-SN-264189
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
Patent Application
US-Patent Appl-SN-264189
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