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Nickel-Hydrogen and Lithium Ion Space BatteriesThe tasks of the Electrochemistry Branch of NASA Glenn Research Center are to improve and develop high energy density and rechargeable, life-long batteries. It is with these batteries that people across the globe are able to power their cell phones, laptop computers, and cameras. Here, at NASA Glenn Research Center, the engineers and scientists of the Electrochemistry branch are leading the way in the development of more powerful, long life batteries that can be used to power space shuttles and satellites. As of now, the cutting edge research and development is being done on nickel-hydrogen batteries and lithium ion batteries. Presently, nickel-hydrogen batteries are common types of batteries that are used to power satellites, space stations, and space shuttles, while lithium batteries are mainly used to power smaller appliances such as portable computers and phones. However, the Electrochemistry Branch at NASA Glenn Research Center is focusing more on the development of lithium ion batteries for deep space use. Because of the limitless possibilities, lithium ion batteries can revolutionize the space industry for the better. When compared to nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium ion batteries possess more advantages than its counterpart. Lithium ion batteries are much smaller than nickel-hydrogen batteries and also put out more power. They are more energy efficient and operate with much more power at a reduced weight than its counterpart. Lithium ion cells are also cheaper to make, possess flexibility that allow for different design modifications. With those statistics in hand, the Electrochemistry Branch of NASA Glenn has decided to shut down its Nickel-Hydrogen testing for lithium ion battery development. Also, the blackout in the summer of 2003 eliminated vital test data, which played a part in shutting down the program. from the nickel-hydrogen batteries and compare it to past data. My other responsibilities include superheating the electrolyte that is used in the nickel-hydrogen cell in a calorimeter to test its performance under various conditions. 1 used a program called Arbin to study my data. The Arbin allows me to look at different parameters such as pressure and time and how they affect the changing temperature of the electrolyte that is being tested. In addition, I had the responsibility of taking apart and modifying battery coolers that would be used. My mentors told me that the batteries kept shutting down, so it was my responsibility to remove excess fan grilles, rotate the fans, and then switch the aluminum standoffs with nylon ones so that the coolers could operate without problems. My last task is to collect all the battery test data and organize them into charts using Microsoft Excel, before the Branch is able to conduct its research on lithium ion batteries. Therefore, during my tenure, it is my responsibility to take down final test data
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Reid, Robert O., II
(Detroit Mercy Univ. MI, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Electronics And Electrical Engineering
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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