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Graphical User Interface Development for Representing Air Flow PatternsIn the Turbine Branch, scientists carry out experimental and computational work to advance the efficiency and diminish the noise production of jet engine turbines. One way to do this is by decreasing the heat that the turbine blades receive. Most of the experimental work is carried out by taking a single turbine blade and analyzing the air flow patterns around it, because this data indicates the sections of the turbine blade that are getting too hot. Since the cost of doing turbine blade air flow experiments is very high, researchers try to do computational work that fits the experimental data. The goal of computational fluid dynamics is for scientists to find a numerical way to predict the complex flow patterns around different turbine blades without physically having to perform tests or costly experiments. When visualizing flow patterns, scientists need a way to represent the flow conditions around a turbine blade. A researcher will assign specific zones that surround the turbine blade. In a two-dimensional view, the zones are usually quadrilaterals. The next step is to assign boundary conditions which define how the flow enters or exits one side of a zone. way of setting up computational zones and grids, visualizing flow patterns, and storing all the flow conditions in a file on the computer for future computation. Such a program is necessary because the only method for creating flow pattern graphs is by hand, which is tedious and time-consuming. By using a computer program to create the zones and grids, the graph would be faster to make and easier to edit. Basically, the user would run a program that is an editable graph. The user could click and drag with the mouse to form various zones and grids, then edit the locations of these grids, add flow and boundary conditions, and finally save the graph for future use and analysis. My goal this summer is to create a graphical user interface (GUI) that incorporates all of these elements. I am writing the program in Java, a language that is portable among platforms, because it can run on different operating systems such as Windows and Unix without having to be rewritten. I had no prior experience of programming in Java at the start of my internship; I am continuously learning as I create the program. I have written the part of the program that enables a user to draw several zones, edit them, and store their locations. The next phase of my project is to allow the user to click on the side of a zone and create a boundary condition for it. A previous intern wrote a program that allows the user to input boundary conditions. I can integrate the two programs to create a larger, more usable program. After that, I will develop a way for the user to save the graph for future reference. Another eventual goal is to make the GUI capable of creating three-dimensional zones as well. Researchers such as my mentor, Dr. David Ashpis, need a quick, user-friendly
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Chaudhary, Nilika
(Massachusetts Inst. of Tech. MA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2004
Publication Information
Publication: Research Symposium II
Subject Category
Engineering (General)
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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