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Oxidation of Copper Alloy Candidates for Rocket Engine ApplicationsThe gateway to affordable and reliable space transportation in the near future remains long-lived rocket-based propulsion systems; and because of their high conductivities, copper alloys remain the best materials for lining rocket engines and dissipating their enormous thermal loads. However, Cu and its alloys are prone to oxidative degradation -- especially via the ratcheting phenomenon of blanching, which occurs in situations where the local ambient can oscillate between oxidation and reduction, as it does in a H2/02- fuelled rocket engine. Accordingly, resistance to blanching degradation is one of the key requirements for the next generation of reusable launch vehicle (RLV) liner materials. Candidate copper alloys have been studied with a view to comparing their oxidation behavior, and hence resistance to blanching, in ambients corresponding to conditions expected in rocket engine service. These candidate materials include GRCop-84 and GRCop-42 (Cu - Cr-8 - Nb-4 and Cu - Cr-4 - Nb-2 respectively); NARloy-Z (Cu-3%Ag-0.5%Y), and GlidCop (Cu-O.l5%Al2O3 ODS alloy); they represent different approaches to improving the mechanical properties of Cu without incurring a large drop in thermal conductivity. Pure Cu (OFHC-Cu) was included in the study to provide a baseline for comparison. The samples were exposed for 10 hours in the TGA to oxygen partial pressures ranging from 322 ppm to 1.0 atmosphere and at temperatures of up to 700 C, and examined by SEM-EDS and other techniques of metallography. This paper will summarize the results obtained.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Ogbuji, Linus U. Thomas
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Humphrey, Donald L.
(QSS Group, Inc. Cleveland, OH, United States)
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2002
Subject Category
Metals And Metallic Materials
Meeting Information
Meeting: National Space and Missile Materials Symposium
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Country: United States
Start Date: June 23, 2002
End Date: June 28, 2002
Funding Number(s)
PROJECT: RTOP 721-26-54
Distribution Limits

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