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Retrieving Storm Electric Fields From Aircraft Field Mill Data: Applications - Part 2The Lagrange multiplier theory and "pitch down method" developed in Part I of this study are applied to complete the calibration of a Citation aircraft that is instrumented with six field mill sensors. When side constraints related to average fields are used, the method performs well in computer simulations. For mill measurement errors of 1 V/m and a 5 V/m error in the mean fair weather field function, the 3-D storm electric field is retrieved to within an error of about 12%. A side constraint that involves estimating the detailed structure of the fair weather field was also tested using computer simulations. For mill measurement errors of 1 V/m, the method retrieves the 3-D storm field to within an error of about 8% if the fair weather field estimate is typically within 1 V/m of the true fair weather field. Using this side constraint and data from fair weather field maneuvers taken on 29 June 2001, the Citation aircraft was calibrated. The resulting calibration matrix was then used to retrieve storm electric fields during a Citation flight on 2 June 2001. The storm field results are encouraging and agree favorably with the results obtained from earlier calibration analyses that were based on iterative techniques.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Marshall Space Flight Center
Document Type
Koshak, W. J.
Mach, D. M.
Christian, H. J.
Stewart, M. F.
Bateman, M. G.
Date Acquired
August 23, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 2005
Subject Category
Meteorology And Climatology
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.

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