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OSL - Orbiting Solar Laboratory: Our Window on the SunThe Sun, the nearest star, is crucial for life on Earth and has always been an object of intense study. Indeed, many of the fundamental principles of astrophysics, which seek to understand the physical nature of the universe, have been established through study of the Sun. Magnetic activity with the Sun drives powerful events on its surface and in its atmosphere. From the the Earth, these events can be seen as active region with their sunspots and solar flares. But to observe such phenomena in detail require more finely-tuned and powerful instruments, operating in space, across a broader range of the electomagnetic spectrum, than have ever been available in the past. Earth's atmosphere has always blurred the images received by visible-light telescopes on the ground. The atmosphere also acts as a barrier to the ultraviolet, extreme ultraviolet, and x rays that are similarly emitted from the Sun. All these wavelengths need to be captured, at the same moment in time, before the complex interrelationships of solar activity can be truly understood. The Orbiting Solar Laboratory (OSL), the prime NASA solar mission for the 1990's, is uniquely designed to 'see' across the wavelengths and so observe the fine evolving details of a wide range of phenomena on the surface of the Sun. By the turn of the century, OSL will enable scientists to solve mysteries that humankind has sought to unravel for thousands of years.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Document Type
Other - NASA Publication (NP)
Date Acquired
August 24, 2013
Publication Date
January 1, 1991
Subject Category
Solar Physics
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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