Assessment of Static Delamination Propagation Capabilities in Commercial Finite Element Codes Using Benchmark AnalysisWith capabilities for simulating delamination growth in composite materials becoming available, the need for benchmarking and assessing these capabilities is critical. In this study, benchmark analyses were performed to assess the delamination propagation simulation capabilities of the VCCT implementations in Marc TM and MD NastranTM. Benchmark delamination growth results for Double Cantilever Beam, Single Leg Bending and End Notched Flexure specimens were generated using a numerical approach. This numerical approach was developed previously, and involves comparing results from a series of analyses at different delamination lengths to a single analysis with automatic crack propagation. Specimens were analyzed with three-dimensional and two-dimensional models, and compared with previous analyses using Abaqus . The results demonstrated that the VCCT implementation in Marc TM and MD Nastran(TradeMark) was capable of accurately replicating the benchmark delamination growth results and that the use of the numerical benchmarks offers advantages over benchmarking using experimental and analytical results.
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Acquisition Source
Langley Research Center
Document Type
Contractor Report (CR)
Orifici, Adrian C. (Royal Melbourne Inst. of Tech Victoria, Australia)
Krueger, Ronald (National Inst. of Aerospace Hampton, VA, United States)