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A Summary of NASA Related Contributions for the Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration in Support of Water Management and AgricultureThe amount of evapotranspiration (ET) to the atmosphere can account for 60% or more of the water loss in many semi-arid locations, and can critically affect local economies tied to agriculture, recreation, hydroelectric power, ecosystems, and numerous other water-related areas. NASA supports many activities using satellite and Earth science data to more accurately and cost effectively estimate ET. NASA ET related work includes the research, development and application of techniques. The free and open access of NASA satellite data and products now permits a much wider application of ET mapping. Typically the NASA supported approaches ranges from large regional and continental ET mapping using MODIS (also with AIRS and CERES), GRACE (gravimetric water balance), geostationary (e.g., GOES and Meteosat for near continental sca|e), land surface modeling (i.e, Land Data Assimilation Systems) to fine scale mapping such as provided bvLandsatdata(<100 m). Usually satellite or airborne thermal imagery are used as input to an ET estimated surface energy balance based approach. There are currently several of these ET approaches under development and implementation including 'METRIC', 'SEBS', 'ALEXI/DisALEXI', etc.. One exception is an approach using GRACE satellite data that estimates the terrestrial water storage using gravimetric data over large areas and estimates ET indirectly. Also land surface modeling within the context of data assimilation and integration schemes provides the capability to integrate in situ, ancillary and satellite together to provide a spatially and synoptic estimates of ET also for use to provide for short-term ET predictions. We will summarize NASA related activities contributing to the improved estimation of ET for water management and agriculture with an emphasis on the Western U3.. This summary includes a description of ET projects in the Middle Rio Grande, Yakima, North Platte and other selected basins in the western US. We will also discuss plans to further address ET applications through working with the USDA and the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to extend and evaluate western U.S. ET mapping to other parts of the U.S. and internationally.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Toll, David
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Doorn, Brad
(NASA Headquarters Washington, DC United States)
Lawford, Rick
(Maryland Univ. Baltimore County MD, United States)
Anderson, Martha
(Department of Agriculture Washington, DC, United States)
Allen, Rick
(Idaho Univ. ID, United States)
Martin, Timothy
(Riverside Technologies United States)
Wood, Eric
(Princeton Univ. NJ, United States)
Ferguson, Craig
(Princeton Univ. NJ, United States)
Date Acquired
August 25, 2013
Publication Date
July 16, 2010
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Meeting Information
Meeting: Evaportranspiration Conference
Location: Las Vegas, NV
Country: United States
Start Date: August 15, 2010
End Date: August 29, 2010
Distribution Limits

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