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Total Dose Effects on Bipolar Integrated Circuits at Low TemperatureTotal dose damage in bipolar integrated circuits is investigated at low temperature, along with the temperature dependence of the electrical parameters of internal transistors. Bandgap narrowing causes the gain of npn transistors to decrease far more at low temperature compared to pnp transistors, due to the large difference in emitter doping concentration. When irradiations are done at temperatures of -140 deg C, no damage occurs until devices are warmed to temperatures above -50 deg C. After warm-up, subsequent cooling shows that damage is then present at low temperature. This can be explained by the very strong temperature dependence of dispersive transport in the continuous-time-random-walk model for hole transport. For linear integrated circuits, low temperature operation is affected by the strong temperature dependence of npn transistors along with the higher sensitivity of lateral and substrate pnp transistors to radiation damage.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Document Type
Conference Paper
External Source(s)
Johnston, A. H.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Swimm, R. T.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Thorbourn, D. O.
(Jet Propulsion Lab., California Inst. of Tech. Pasadena, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
August 27, 2013
Publication Date
July 7, 2012
Subject Category
Electronics And Electrical Engineering
Meeting Information
Meeting: IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC 2012)
Location: Miami, FL
Country: United States
Start Date: July 16, 2012
End Date: July 20, 2012
Sponsors: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Distribution Limits
linear integrated circuits
low temperatures
total dose effects
space radiation

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