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UAS-NAS Stakeholder Feedback ReportThe need to fly UAS in the NAS to perform missions of vital importance to national security and defense, emergency management, science, and to enable commercial applications has been continually increasing over the past few years. To address this need, the NASA Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) Integrated Aviation Systems Program (IASP) formulated and funded the Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Integration in the National Airspace System (NAS) Project (hereafter referred to as UAS‐NAS Project) from 2011 to 2016. The UAS‐NAS Project identified the following need statement: The UAS community needs routine access to the global airspace for all classes of UAS. The Project identified the following goal: To provide research findings to reduce technical barriers associated with integrating UAS into the NAS utilizing integrated system level tests in a relevant environment. This report provides a summary of the collaborations between the UAS-NAS Project and its primary stakeholders and how the Project applied and incorporated the feedback.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Armstrong Flight Research Center
Document Type
Randall, Debra
(NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center Edwards, CA, United States)
Murphy, Jim
(NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center Edwards, CA United States)
Grindle, Laurie
(NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center Edwards, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
October 4, 2016
Publication Date
September 30, 2016
Subject Category
Air Transportation And Safety
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Work of the US Gov. Public Use Permitted.
pilotless aircraft
UAS in the NAS
stakeholder report
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