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Transcriptomic Response of Drosophila Melanogaster Pupae Developed in HypergravityThe metamorphosis of Drosophila is evolutionarily adapted to Earth's gravity, and is a tightly regulated process. Deviation from 1g to microgravity or hypergravity can influence metamorphosis, and alter associated gene expression. Understanding the relationship between an altered gravity environment and developmental processes is important for NASA's space travel goals. In the present study, 20 female and 20 male synchronized (Canton S, 2 to 3day old) flies were allowed to lay eggs while being maintained in a hypergravity environment (3g). Centrifugation was briefly stopped to discard the parent flies after 24hrs of egg laying, and then immediately continued until the eggs developed into P6-staged pupae (25 - 43 hours after pupation initiation). Post hypergravity exposure, P6-staged pupae were collected, total RNA was extracted using Qiagen RNeasy mini kits. We used RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR techniques to profile global transcriptomic changes in early pupae exposed to chronic hypergravity. During the pupal stage, Drosophila relies upon gravitational cues for proper development. Assessing gene expression changes in the pupa under altered gravity conditions helps highlight gravity dependent genetic pathways. A robust transcriptional response was observed in hypergravity-exposed pupae compared to controls, with 1,513 genes showing a significant (q < 0.05) difference in gene expression. Five major biological processes were affected: ion transport, redox homeostasis, immune response, proteolysis, and cuticle development. This outlines the underlying molecular changes occurring in Drosophila pupae in response to hypergravity.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Hosamani, Ravikumar
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Hateley, Shannon
(California Univ. Berkeley, CA, United States)
Bhardwaj, Shilpa R.
(Wyle Labs., Inc. Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Pachter, Lior
(California Univ. Berkeley, CA, United States)
Bhattacharya, Sharmila
(NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA, United States)
Date Acquired
October 31, 2016
Publication Date
October 26, 2016
Subject Category
Aerospace Medicine
Life Sciences (General)
Report/Patent Number
Meeting Information
Meeting: Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research
Location: Cleveland, OH
Country: United States
Start Date: October 26, 2016
End Date: October 29, 2016
Sponsors: American Society for Gravitational and Space Research
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
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