Hercules Single-Stage Reusable Vehicle (HSRV) Operating BaseConceptual design for the layout of lunar-planetary surface support systems remains an important area needing further master planning. This paper explores a structured approach to organize the layout of a Mars-based site equipped for routinely flying a human-scale reusable taxi system. The proposed Hercules Transportation System requires a surface support capability to sustain its routine, affordable, and dependable operation. The approach organizes a conceptual Hercules operating base through functional station sets. The station set approach will allow follow-on work to trade design approaches and consider technologies for more efficient flow of material, energy, and information at future Mars bases and settlements. The station set requirements at a Mars site point to specific capabilities needed. By drawing from specific Hercules design characteristics, the technology requirements for surface-based systems will come into greater focus. This paper begins a comprehensive process for documenting functional needs, architectural design methods, and analysis techniques necessary for follow-on concept studies.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Kennedy Space Center
Document Type
Moon, Michael J. (Pennsylvania State Univ. State College, PA, United States)
McCleskey, Carey M. (NASA Kennedy Space Center Cocoa Beach, FL, United States)
Date Acquired
December 12, 2017
Publication Date
November 17, 2017
Subject Category
Space Transportation And SafetyGround Support Systems And Facilities (Space)