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High Efficiency Centrifugal Compressor for Rotorcraft ApplicationsA centrifugal compressor research effort conducted by United Technologies Research Center under NASA Research Announcement NNC08CB03C is documented. The objectives were to identify key technical barriers to advancing the aerodynamic performance of high-efficiency, high work factor, compact centrifugal compressor aft-stages for turboshaft engines; to acquire measurements needed to overcome the technical barriers and inform future designs; to design, fabricate, and test a new research compressor in which to acquire the requisite flow field data. A new High-Efficiency Centrifugal Compressor stage -- splittered impeller, splittered diffuser, 90 degree bend, and exit guide vanes -- with aerodynamically aggressive performance and configuration (compactness) goals were designed, fabricated, and subquently tested at the NASA Glenn Research Center.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Glenn Research Center
Document Type
Other - Supplementary Data
Gorazd Medic
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Om P Sharma
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Joo Jongwook
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Larry W Hardin
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Duane C McCormick
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
William T Cousins
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Elizabeth A Lurie
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Aamir Shabbir
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Brian M Holley
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Paul R Van Slooten
(United Technologies Research Center East Hartford, Connecticut, United States)
Date Acquired
February 26, 2018
Publication Date
November 1, 2017
Publication Information
Publisher: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Subject Category
Aircraft Propulsion And Power
Report/Patent Number
Report Number: NASA/CR-2014-218114/REV1/SUPPL
Report Number: GRC-E-DAA-TN31660
Report Number: E-18856-1
Funding Number(s)
WBS: 380046.
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Centrifugal compressor
Compressor aerodynamics
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