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Smallholder Crop Area Mapped with Wall-To-Wall WorldView Sub-Meter Panchromatic Image Texture: A Test Case for Tigray, EthiopiaGlobal food production in the developing world occurs within sub-hectare fields that are difficult to identify with moderate resolution satellite imagery. Knowledge about the distribution of these fields is critical in food security programs. We developed a semi-automated image segmentation approach using wall-to-wall sub-meter imagery with high-performance computing to map crop area (CA) throughout Tigray, Ethiopia that encompasses over 41,000 km (exp 2). Multiple processing streams were tested to minimize mapping error while applying five unique smoothing kernels to capture differences in land surface texture associated to CA. Typically, very-small fields (mean < 2 ha) have a smooth image roughness compared to natural scrub/shrub woody vegetation at the ~1m scale and these features can be segmented in panchromatic imagery with multi-level histogram thresholding. Multi-temporal very-high resolution (VHR) panchromatic imagery with multi-spectral VHR are sufficient in extracting critical CA information needed in food security programs. A 2011 to 2015 CA map was produced, using over 3000 WorldView-1 panchromatic images wall-to-wall in 1/2 deg mosaics for Tigray, Ethiopia. CA was evaluated with nearly 3000 WorldView-2 2m multispectral 250 X 250 m image subsets by seven expert interpretations, and with in-situ global positioning system photography. CA estimates ranged from 32 to 41% in sub regions of Tigray with median maximum per bin commission and omission errors of 11% and 1% respectively, with most of the error occurring in bins <15%. This empirical, simple, and low direct cost approach via U.S. government license agreement to access commercial VHR data, could be a viable big-data high-performance computing methodology to extract wall-to-wall CA for other regions of the world that have very-small agriculture fields with similar image texture."
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Goddard Space Flight Center
Document Type
Reprint (Version printed in journal)
Neigh, Christopher S. R.
(NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt, MD, United States)
Carroll, Mark L.
(Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Lanham, MD, United States)
Wooten, Margaret
(Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Lanham, MD, United States)
Mccarty, Jessica
(Miami Univ. Oxford, OH, United States)
Powell, Bristol
(Columbia Univ. Palisades, NY, United States)
Husake, Gregory J.
(California Univ. Santa Barbara, CA, United States)
Enenkel, Markus
(Columbia Univ. Palisades, NY, United States)
Hain, Christopher R.
(NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Huntsville, AL, United States)
Date Acquired
May 16, 2018
Publication Date
June 1, 2018
Publication Information
Publication: Remote Sensing of Environment
Publisher: Elsevier
Volume: 212
ISSN: 0034-4257
e-ISSN: 1879-0704
Subject Category
Earth Resources And Remote Sensing
Report/Patent Number
Funding Number(s)
Distribution Limits
Big Data
Segmentation Mapping
WorldView Crop area

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