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Fundamental Study into Rotor Outwash and Dust Kick-up under Mars-like ConditionsHumans have reached a limit to how much information can be collected from a purely ground-based rover exploration mission on Mars. Therefore, an airborne mission would broaden our knowledge of this planet and at the same time it would allow for a different approach to scientific research. Thus, the Mars Helicopter Scout (MHS) Project was founded. However, as this is only a technology demonstrator, its first and short-term goal is to fly in the vicinity of the Mars Rover and assess where the rover can go. This would reduce the risk of damage to the rover and allow for minimum transit times on the Martian surface. The main objective of the project is conducting small-scale hover testing of a coaxial rotor system in- and out-of-ground effect to study both rotor downwash/outwash and to examine the conditions under which dust kick-up and brownout does or does not occur under Mars-like conditions, with potential application to Mars Helicopter development. Given the exploratory nature of this project, it is limited to a proof of concept of testing techniques that may eventually be used on the full scale MHS. These future tests will help determine whether or not dust kick-up can pose a problem on the performance of the MHSs altimeter.
Document ID
Acquisition Source
Ames Research Center
Document Type
Apodaca Moreno, Maria Regina
(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico Mexico City, Mexico)
Date Acquired
December 20, 2018
Publication Date
January 1, 2018
Subject Category
Lunar And Planetary Science And Exploration
Report/Patent Number
Distribution Limits
Public Use Permitted.
Rotor Outwash
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